I'm not good at expressing myself verbally. I often feel that what comes out of my mouth isn't exactly what I thought in my head. Writing can also cause a lot of anxiety. I know what I want to
express, but it comes out with too many words and descriptions. I always seem to put my artist statement off to the last minute, and what I end up with seems so simple that I wonder why it wasn't
easier. Maybe because I am more of a visual artist...
Music also has a huge influence on my artwork. I always have music on when I'm drawing or painting. It's part of the fuel that drives my creativity. I am very particular about what I like and
have named my paintings after songs or phrases from them. This song I felt captured my theme fairly well. I remember hearing it as a kid and always liking it, but I seem to understand
something more from it all these years later.
Kansas "Dust in the Wind"
Here is my artist statement posted with my ArtPrize entry at 80 Ottawa Ave, downtown Grand Rapids. ArtPrize runs from September 24 through October 12:
Memories are a very important part of our lives. They are a connection to the past and memories color our future. As we grow older and relationships change, memories can shift and distort, become
faded and ambiguous. Massive life changes such as loss, grief and heartbreak greatly affect our memories. They become precious or painful. We seek to hold onto them, or to obliterate them with a
new experience.
I've lived in this area all my life and have watched the seasons come and go for some time now. Year after year, the beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me. There are things I crave to
experience every year; the smell of spring and the green of summer. I do find beauty in the bleakness of winter, but it was a season I've never painted before this year. Standing on frozen Lake
Michigan was like seeing an old friend in a new way. It's a memory that stands alone among all the many times I've been there during other seasons.
My daughter's smile is the light of my life. Living beyond her has been the biggest challenge I've faced. The fact that she found a reason to smile every day gives me inspiration to create
something beautiful from the memories I have.
My paintings were created with the idea that they could be rearranged. I will be doing so during ArtPrize and you can check my facebook fan page, Kris is in ArtPrize, for details. I will also
post here to my blog:)
Painting titles:
"Luna" Portrait of my daughter
"Send Me On My Way" sunflower & butterfly
"Soma" summer Lake Michigan panorama
"Circle" winter Lake Michigan panorama
"Animal Bar" bee & flower
"Learning to Fly" tree
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